I'm A Genius

A pattern recognition, deduction, and logic puzzle trivia game. With images!
Like nothing you've ever seen before.

Available in the App Store.

What do you see in this image?

Each image in a game has plenty of details. But which details matter?

Clue 1

Clue 2

How about this one?

Cacti have a special place in I'm A Genius. But is a cactus a clue, or a "distractus" cactus?

This is clue 3 of 5.

What common theme or category links all the images together?

Clue 3

Clue 4

Have you figured it out yet?

The earlier you solve the category, the more points you get.

Last clue. Think about everything you've seen.

Sometimes saying what you see out loud helps.
Scroll down to see the category answer.

Clue 5

The answer to the category is "Gold."

But guessing the category is only half the fun. Now try to figure out what each clue is. Scroll back up to try. Scroll down for the answers.

1. Bars
2. Rings
3. Chains
4. Nuggets
5. Coins

All the clues are forms that gold can take.

You be the genius

Download in the Apple App Store today.

Trivia. Reinvented.

Contact us at [email protected] for questions, support, feature requests, or just to tell us what you think of the game.